Process public complaints

  Process public complaints

Process public complaints
Handle complaints from the general public. If residents have suggestions to the city government, they can make them here.
Channels:people can appeal in following 3 ways:
  • Call Tel(03) 5216121 ext. 370. 9 or 1999.
    The service desk staff will make a record of each complaint from the public, and forward it to the department concerned. City residents do not need to fill in forms.
  • In person at the service desk.
    Residents may also file their complaints orally at the service desk. The service desk staff will make a record of the complaint, and forward it to the department concerned. City residents do not need to fill in forms.
Hours:8:00-12:00, 13:00-17:00
Telephone:(03)5216121 ext. 370. 9 or 1999.

Visitor:3191   Update:2023-04-18